

Project Overview

Created as part of a game design course at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

  • Tech: Excel
  • Team Size: 5
  • Duration: 16 weeks

Game Summary

Bloodbath is a competitive resource collecting board game in which players compete as vampires to kill the most people by the end of the night as part of an ancient vampiric ritual. Each player starts with 4 white energy stones which they can use for abilities, movement, and kills. As each player progresses through the board they must infiltrate and clear houses of people which are represented by a variety of different colored stones. These stones are added to the player's energy and help them perform actions faster. The player with the most kills by the time all houses are cleared wins.

Role: Game Designer

  • Rapid prototyped new iterations.
  • Designed a dynamic board that can be changed every time the game is played (interchangeable hex board).
  • Balanced risk vs. reward for both sets of risk cards.
  • Designed multiple character classes for the players to choose from.
  • Conducted and led weekly internal and external playtests.
  • Balanced each character class and ensured they reflected playtest feedback.
  • Designed a narrative that tied in with our energy/kill mechanic.
  • Wrote narrative flavor text on indoor and outdoor risk cards.